Schelling and Aristotle
The question of experience
Experiencie, Nature, Real, Ideal, Positive philosophieAbstract
We use the concept of experience to show that the relation between experience an dthe ideal is indissoluble in both Aristotle and Schelling in their production as a whole. There is therefore no order of priority between the real and the ideal with regard to the parts of their system, as they only assume an order of anteriority and posteriority in terms of a methodological need. With this analysis, therefore, we want to show that the order of experience and the ideal is not excluding but that, on the contrary, they are in order of dependence thanks to which we have as a result an absolute philosophy or philosophy without more, which eliminates any unilateralism that wants to grant any primacy either to the ideal or to the real or the existence in the philosophy of both authors.
Fuente primarias sobre Schelling
- Schelling, F. W. J.; Schellings Werke, (Schröter, M., Hg.), C.H. Beck/ R. Oldenburg, 1966, München.
Traducciones de las fuentes de Schelling consultadas
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- Schelling, F. W. J.; Escritos sobre filosofía de la naturaleza, Alianza, 1996, Madrid.
Fuentes primarias sobre Aristóteles
- Aristóteles; Metafísica, Gredos, 1994, Madrid.
- Aristóteles; Física, Gredos, 1995, Madrid.
- Aristóteles; Acerca del alma, Gredos, 2003, Madrid.
Fuentes secundarias sobre Schelling
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Fuentes secundarias sobre Aristóteles
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