Posthuman Diplomacy. On the Place of Artistic Practice in the Anthropocene
Art, Anthropocene, Postnature, Posthumanism, Posthuman DiplomacyAbstract
The term «Anthropocene» groups together multiple formulations of environmental collapse and other forms of planetary crisis. The diagnosis it establishes of the problem and its potential points, on the one hand, to the questioning of the human being’s relationship with the world and, on the other, to a disarticulation of the inherited ways of existing and perceiving. The aim of the article is to identify the theoretical conditions for the setting up of a posthuman diplomacy, understood as a set of relationship management practices in the framework of the Anthropocene and evaluating the role that artistic practice can play in it. Taking Postnature as a frame of reference, the critical discourses around the concept of nature are integrated with the posthumanist revisions of human exceptionalism. The proposal of a posthuman diplomacy as an axis to define artistic practice allows us to understand it as a set of practices of pinpointed.
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