Hondalea by Cristina Iglesias: Fundamentals of a Grammar




Cristina Iglesias, Hondalea, Contemporary Sculpture, Suspended Corridor, Art & Nature, Public Art, Isla de Santa Clara


This article examines the project in progress by Cristina Iglesias, Hondalea, for the Casa del Faro de la Isla de Santa Clara in Donostia/San Sebastián. The guidelines of this piece are contrasted with the lines of force of the works that make up the artistic trajectory of the sculptor, highlighting the foundations of her language. After the analysis of some of the fundamental notions of her career as a whole, Hondalea is linked to other previous works in which similar elements appear. Finally, the arguments of different instances about the sustainable character and the possible impact of the project on its enclave are presented.


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How to Cite

Méndez Baiges, M. (2021). Hondalea by Cristina Iglesias: Fundamentals of a Grammar. Boletín De Arte, (42), 49–60.


