Art and design, their scope and influence on social transformation



Design, Art and Design, Methodologies and Transference, Design and social transformation


In the present world of transversal connections, culture expands between different fields of knowledge. This context produces an expanded vision of the possibilities of interaction between disciplines even more necessary today, as design processes offer by their own projective nature. Design propitiates a field of exploration where experimentation, creative processes, services, and tangibles today construct new visions that provide new forms of life. This monographic issue Umática. Art and Design: Transfers, Methodologies and Futures has attempted to approach these new visions.

There are traditional subjects in the field of design that are being displaced from the core of the debates, such as the dogma of the search for solutions (new solutions to old problems), when the very real demand for new questions emerges. Everything is called into question in a time of change and uncertainty, where everything is re-designed, re-dimensioned, re-cycled... from the point of view of the commonplace, the most human, the social, etc., without great corporatist ambitions, responding to a time to come. What the scenarios and objects that will accompany us in our lives will become like. (read more)


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How to Cite

Leslabay, M., Aguilar Jiménez, J., & Alonso Calero, J. M. (2021). Art and design, their scope and influence on social transformation . UMÁTICA. Journal on Image Creation and Analysis, 3(4). Retrieved from