Mar?a Zambrano interpreta Spinoza e Hegel


  • Paola Coppi Università di Verona, Italy



Salvation, Individual, Totality, God, Nature


María Zambrano begins her study of Spinoza with her doctoral thesis La salvacíon del individuo en Spinoza. The Dutch philosopher is, for her, a milestone in the evolution of philosophy, especially for Spinoza’s concept of Totality, of Deus causa sui and Deus sive natura. The philosophical speculation of the Spanish philosopher ends, however, with Hegel, whose idea of history as a necessary and relentless experience of the Geist, she interpretes in an original way.


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Author Biography

Paola Coppi, Università di Verona,

Paola Coppi is Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Verona.


Research Interests:

Areas of Specialization: Schelling and Spinoza, Ortega y Gasset and María Zambrano.

Areas of Competence:  History of Theology and Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, the Philosophy of Religion, the Spanish and German philosophy, Politics of Philosophy and Gender.



Via San Salvatore Corte Regia 4

37121 Verona



Recent Publications:

- «María Zambrano: la democracia humanizada», in  H. Biagini y D. A. Fernández Peychaux, Democracia, Neoliberalismo y Pensamiento politico alternativo. Actas del v Coloquio Internacional de Filosofía Política. 2013, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús, 2015, pp. 240-242.

- «María Zambrano, filósofa del sur, pensadora del exilio». In Jornadas Internacionales de Hispanismo Filosófico (11. 2013, Universidad de Granada),  Filosofías del Sur, Madrid, Fundación Ignacio Larramendi, 2015.

- «María Zambrano. La Democracia humanizada», in A. Campillo y D. Manzanero, Los retos de la Filosofía en el siglo XXI. Actas del I Congreso internacional de la Red española de Filosofía, València, Publicacions de la Universitat de València (PUV), 2015, pp. 63-68.

-«Riflessioni «libere» a partire dal femminile in Adriana Cavarero», in:  R. Pisconti (a cura di) Riflessioni critiche sul femminismo contemporaneo, Villasanta (Mb), Limina Mentis, 2014, pp. 223-257.

-  «‘Un’estranea e altra prossimità’. Riflessioni a partire dalla filosofia di Maria Zambrano». In AA.VV., Differenze e relazioni. Il prossimo e l’estraneo, Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2014, pp. 177-182.



How to Cite

Coppi, P. (2017). Mar?a Zambrano interpreta Spinoza e Hegel. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 2.