The Social State in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right


  • Gabriel Amengual universidad de Islas Baleares Spain



Social state, right to Welfare, Right to education, Right to sustainment, Family, pauperization, police, corporation


Hegel’s concept of state is the State of Right. However, in his Philosophy of Right there are decisive grounds for a theory of the social state. Following the argumental thread of the Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, we start with the right to welfare as it is expounded in Morality (1). In the family, the right of children to sustainment and education comes to the fore (2). The right to welfare becomes concrete in civil society (3), is possible in the system of needs (3.1) and acquires actuality in the police and the corporation (3.2, 3.3) insofar as they substitute the family. The main problem is poverty, either poverty arising from subjective and social circumstances or from the internal working of civil society: a rabble of paupers. For this problem, society is unable to have a solution.  



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How to Cite

Amengual, G. (2022). The Social State in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 8, 25–48.