Hegel contra De Finetti:

On speculative thought against the subjective theory of probability


  • Gabriel Felipe Solano Iglesias Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia




metaphysiscs, logic, probability, Actuality, contingency, necessity


Abstract: Probability Theory seldom distinguishes between the concept of probability and its quantitative determinability. To define its object, it begins by the abstract exposition of probability and its determinations (necessity, contingency, and randomness), on the one hand, as concerned only with the sphere of being; on the other, as concerned only with the sphere of thought. This study, following the self-movement if these categories in the Science of Logic, strives to critique the limitations of both of these propositions and to present a speculative notion of probabilistic phenomena.


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How to Cite

Solano Iglesias, G. F. (2021). Hegel contra De Finetti: : On speculative thought against the subjective theory of probability. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 7, 103–124. https://doi.org/10.24310/Studiahegelianastheg.v7i.13612

