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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for consideration to any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Editor's Comments).
  • The file extension is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text is single spaced; 12 points of font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all the illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places of the text, instead of at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.
  • If submitted to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation should be followed.

Author Guidelines

I. I. Submission, structure, and length of texts

Form of submission: Electronic submission only through the journal platform.


Studia Hegeliana publishes original works on Hegel, German idealism, and its relation to philosophical and cultural movements up to the present.

Remember that Studia hegeliana published one monographic issue per year until 2019. From 2020, it published a miscellaneous issue and the following year a monographic issue.


Papers should be sent in any of the most common word processors (.doc, .docx, .odt). Submissions in .pdf format are not accepted.


Authors may submit their work to any of the following sections: Studies; Bibliographical Reports; Bibliographical Reviews; In Memoriam; Critical translations


STUDIES: text and notes no longer than 7,500 words. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REPORTS: up to 6,000 words; BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REVIEWS: between 1,200 and 2,000 words; IN MEMORIAM texts up to 3,500 words. For CRITICAL TRANSLATIONS, please contact the Board of Directors.


Length: all texts in A-4 format (Times, 12; footnotes in Times, 10).

In any case, the title should express the subject of the article and should not exceed 20 words. The abstract must correctly summarise the article and not exceed 100 words. The keywords must be the most relevant ones in the article, and no more than 5 keywords.

Contributions must be sent in two documents: One containing the manuscript (written in Times 12), onhead a title, an abstract (of no more than 100 words each) in Spanish, and also an English version (or the native language of the author). Next, 4-5 keywords. Always footnotes written in Times 10; the other one including the author’s personal data, postal and e-mail addresses as well as the institution or society to which the author is related, up to two publications, and his/her line of research.

Information about the source of funding of the article will also be given in the submission: funding agency, project codes and dates. The author will include this information as a footnote acknowledgement at the beginning of the page, and it will also be requested in the submission.


The journal Studia Hegeliana does not allow the submission of more than one article per author for each issue. Thus, if the same author submits more than one article to an issue, the first one will be evaluated and the rest of them will be rejected. This rule does not apply to reviews or critical notes.

II. Text composition

Texts that do not conform to the following rules will be returned with the request that they be duly revised. Such texts will only be accepted for publication once they have been revised to meet the standards.

Languages and readability
Grammar, syntax and diction: Make sure your text is linguistically correct and/or have it proofread by a native speaker of the language in which it is written. Papers requiring extensive proofreading will be returned to the author.
Title length: Please be concise.
The title of your contribution should appear at the beginning of your paper in sentence format.
Hegel's theory of punishment.
General layout
Roman numbered headings. Example: I. The Hegelian theory of art
Subheadings, numbered in Arabic Example: I.1. Art and beauty
Paragraphs: justified, no extra space between paragraphs, indentation using tabs only, no indentation after headings or subheadings.
Line spacing: 1.5 in all body and footnotes.
Typeface: Times 12 pt;
- for titles of books, magazines, and newspapers.
- for foreign words or phrases
- For emphasis. Indicate emphasis with italics only. Do not underline or bold.
Foreign Language Terms and Sentences
- When a term in the original language is provided within a translated quotation, the term should be italicized and enclosed in square brackets, [].
Example: "For Hegel, sublating [Aufheben] is one of the most important concepts in philosophy".
- When a term is provided in the original language outside of a quotation, the term should be italicized and enclosed in brackets, ().
Example: Hegel characterizes sublation (Aufhebung) as one of the most important concepts of philosophy.
Format and use of graphics
- Formatting should be kept to a minimum. Do not use spaces or tabs for layout. - Graphics should be used sparingly and simply.
Do not use contractions (e.g. won't).
Double quotation marks for (1) titles of essays, journal articles, poems, etc. (i.e., for all titles except monographs), and (2) for direct quotations of sentences, phrases, or words.
Example (1): The idea of totality is central to Müller's article "Hegel's Concept of Totality". Example (2): (a) As Hegel says, "The true is the whole". (b) Hegel's term "sublation" has a triple meaning.
Single quotation marks for quotation marks within quotation marks.
For example, "The general procedure in the Logic is to test whether different "logical determinations" could succeed as "definitions of the absolute" (EL § 85)."
Block quotes for quotations longer than three lines; should be left-justified. Size 11pt.
The source of a block quotation may be indicated in parentheses after the last punctuation mark of the quoted material.
Ellipses in square brackets indicate omissions.

Recommendation on the use of inclusive language

The journal Studia Hegeliana encourages its authors to use inclusive and non-sexist language in their publications.

III. Bibliographical references and citation mode

For citations, Studia Hegeliana prefers the traditional, continental, European or classical system, referred to in ISO 690 as the Continuous Note system.

BOOKS: Hegel, G.W.F., Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Kunst (1823), Hg. v. A. Gethmann-Siefert. Hamburg: Meiner 1998, p. 34.

TRANSLATIONS: Hegel, G.W.F., Líneas fundamentales de la filosofía del derecho. Translation and notes by María del Carmen Paredes Martín. Madrid: Gredos, 2010, p. 34.

ARTICLES: Paredes Martín, M. del C., "El concepto de infinitud en el joven Hegel" in Studia Hegeliana 2015, 1.p. 126.

BOOK CHAPTERS: Amengual, G., "La Enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas", in G. Amengual (ed.), Guía Comares de Hegel. Granada: Comares, 2015, pp. 99 ff.

A list of the references used must be included at the end of the article. If possible, the DOI number of the reference should be included.

IV. Most frequent bibliographic abbreviations

The first time a classical work is cited, it should be cited according to the following examples. In subsequent citations, the author's name, the corresponding acronym (volume, if applicable) and page number should be used (e.g. Hegel, B I, 17).

AA     Kant, Gesammelte Schriften. Hrsg. v. der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin: W. de Gruyter

            KrV, Kritik der reinen Vernunft

            KpV, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft

            KU, Kritik der Urteilskraft

B         Briefe von und an Hegel, hrsg. v. J. Hoffmeister, 4 vols. Hamburg,: Meiner, 1952-54.

GA      Fichte, J. G., Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Hrg. Reinhard Lauth u. Hans Jacob, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 1964ff.

GW    G.W.F. Hegel,  Gesammelte Werke. Im Auftrag der Deutschen Forschungsge­meinschaft hrsg. v. der Rheinisch?Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, unter der Leitung v. Otto Pöggeler, Hamburg: Meiner 1968ss.

            Tomo y páginas en números árabes, ej. GW1,124.

SW      Schelling, F.W. J., Sämmtliche Werke. Hrsg. K.F.A. Schelling, Stuttgart, Ausburg 1856-1861

TWA  Werke in zwanzig Bänden. Auf der Grundlage der ‘Werke’ von 1832-1845 neu edierte Ausgabe, hrsg. v. Eva Molden­hauer und Karl Mar­kus Mi­chel. 20 vols. Frankfurt/M: Suhrkamp 1970 (Theorie-Werkausgabe Hegels). Tomo y páginas en números árabes/ Band and page number: TWA6, 18.

W        G.W.F. Hegel, Sämtliche werke, Vollständige Ausgabe, Berlin 1832-1845.

Phän.  Phänomenologie des Geistes, neu hrsg. v. H.-Fr. Wessels und H. Clairmont. Hamburg: Meiner 1988.

WL      Wissenschaft der Logik, hrsg. v. G. Lasson, 2 vols. Hamburgo: Meiner 1971.

Enz.    Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften (Heidel­berg 1817), in: Sämtliche Werke, hrsg. v. H. Glock­ner, vol. VI. Stutt­gart: Frommann 1968; Enzyklopädie der philosophis­chen Wissenschaften (1830). Hrsg. v. Fr. Nico­lin u. O. Pögg­eler. Ham­burg: Meiner 1969. 

            Especificar edición y §

EB       Berliner Schriften (1818-1831). Neu hrsg. v. Walter Jaeschke. Hamburg: Meiner 1997.

VNS Vorlesungen über Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft (1817?­1818) Nachschrift P. Wannemann. Hrsg. v. C. Becker, W. Bon­siepen, A. Gethmann-Siefert, F. Hogemann, W. Jaeschke, Chr. Jamme, H.-Chr. Lucas, K.R. Meist y H. Schneider. Mit einer Einleitung v. O. Pögge­ler. Hamburg: Meiner 1984. (Vorle­sun­gen. Aus­gewählte Nachschriften und Ma­nuskripte, vol. I).

Ilting: Vorlesungen über Rechtsphilosophie. Hrsg. v. Karl-Heinz Ilting. 4 vols. Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt: Frommann 1973-74.

VPhK Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Kunst (1823). Hg. v. A. Gethmann-Siefert. Hamburgo: Meiner 1998(Vorlesungen. Ausgewählte Nachschriften und Manuskripte, vol.  2)

VA      Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik, in: TWH, vols. XIII-XV.

VPhR Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Religion. Hrsg. v. Walter Jaeschke. Hamburgo: Meiner 1983­?85 (Vorle­sun­gen. Aus­gewählte Nachschriften und Ma­nuskripte, vols. 3, 4ª, 4b y 5) (4 vols.).

VGPh Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie. Hrsg. v. Pierre Garniron und Walter Jaeschke. 4 vols. (Vorle­sun­gen. Aus­gewählte Nachschriften und Ma­nuskripte, vols. 6, 7, 8 y 9). Hamburgo: Meiner 1986-96

EGPh -Einleitung in die Geschichte der Philosophie, hrsg. v. J. Hoffmeister, 3ª ed. cuidada por Fr. Nicolin. Ham­burgo: Meiner 1966.

VG -Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Welt­geschichte, Bd. I: Die Vernunft in der Geschichte, hrsg. v. J. Hoff­meister. Hamburg: Meiner 1970.

Abreviaturas para las traducciones de Hegel al español

EJ        Escritos de juventud. Edición, introducción y notas de José María Ripalda. Traducción de Zoltan Zsankay y José María Ripalda. Madrid: FCE 1978, 1998.

JH       El joven Hegel. Ensayos y Esbozos , Edición de José María Ripalda. Madrid: FCE 2014.

FR       Filosofía Real. Edición de José María Ripalda. Madrid: FCE 1984

Dif.     Diferencia entre los sistemas de filosofía de Fichte y Schelling. Traducción y notas de María del Carmen Paredes Martín, Obras  I (pp. 1-109)

Fen     Fenomenología del espíritu. Traducción de Antonio Gómez Ramos. Obras I, 111-627.

LFH    Lecciones de la filosofía de la historia. Traducción y notas de Josep Maria Quintana Cabanas Obras II (pp. 313-785); Lecciones sobre la filosofía de la historia universal. Traducción de José Gaos. Ma­drid: Revista de Occi­dente 1974.

            Especificar edición/ Always specify edition.

FD      Líneas fundamentales de la filosofía del derecho. Traducción y notas de María del Carmen Paredes Martín ObrasII (pp. 9-312).

CL Ciencia de la lógica. Traducción de Augusta y Rodolfo Mondol­fo. Prólo­go de R. Mondolfo. Buenos Aires: Solar 11982, 2 vols.; Ciencia de la Lógica. I. La Lógica objetiva 1. El ser (1812), 2. La doctrina de la esencia (1813). Edición y traducción de Félix Duque. Madrid: Abada 2011.

Especificar edición.

Enc.    Enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas. Madrid: Alianza 1997. (Se cita con Enc § y Nota, si es el caso.

ER Escritos sobre Religión. Edición, selección, traducción, introducción y notas de Gabriel Amengual Coll. Salamanca: Sígueme 2013

LPED Lecciones sobre las pruebas de la existencia de Dios. Traducción, introducción y notas de Gabriel Amengual Coll. Salamanca: Sígueme 2014

LE       Estética. Traducción de Raúl Gabás. 2 vols. Barcelona: Península 1989-91.

LFR    Lecciones sobre filosofía de la re­li­gión. 3 vols. Edición y traducción de Ricardo Ferrara. Madrid: Alianza 1984-87.

LHF    Lecciones sobre la historia de la filosofía. Traducción de Wenceslao Roces. México: FCE 1977, 3 vols.

IHF     Introducción a la historia de la filoso­fía. Trad. E. Terrón, Buenos Aires 1980

RH      : La ra­zón en la historia, trad. C. A. Gómez,  Madrid 1972.

V. Evaluation of manuscripts

The editorial board initially decides whether the paper is appropriate for the journal and whether the submission is appropriate. Subsequently, the external peer review process is initiated for all sections.

     V.1. Peer review

One external and specialized reviewer.

     V.2. The evaluation is double-blind

The reviewers do not know the identity of the author, nor does the author know the identity of the reviewer.

     V.3. Privacy statement

Names and e-mail addresses are used only for the purposes stated by the journal and in no case for any other purpose.

     V.4. Reviewers are external

More than 80% of reviewers are external to the journal. 

     V.5. Evaluation criteria

The following will be assessed: subject, depth, innovation, dialogue with current and relevant literature, internal coherence, unity, clarity, rigour in argumentation, appropriateness of the title, abstract and keywords, and formal and literary elegance.

     V.6. Acceptance or rejection

After the expert review, the editorial board decides whether to accept the article without further review, to ask the author to make the modifications recommended by the reviewers, to ask the author for a thorough revision, or to reject the article for publication.

     V.7. In case of acceptance 

Studia Hegeliana will send you the proofs directly. Your article will be published on the electronic platform of Studia Hegeliana from where you can download as many pdfs as you need.




Studia Hegeliana only admits original papers, preferably written in Spanish, English, French, German and any other Romance language. The selection of manuscripts is based on peer review system. All papers must not have been sent to other journals. Publishing implies that the texts meet the style and literary conventions of Studia Hegeliana .

Originality and scientific contribution are major assessment criteria. Should the manuscript be revised, the author will be returned a full anonymous report; in the case of a negative review, the author will receive, if required, a detailed feedback on the article. The maximum period for the assessment will be four month.

Length of contributions: The text must be written in A-4 format, Times 12; footnotes in Times 10. STUDIES text plus notes not exceeding 7500 words. If this number of words is exceeded, the journal's board will decide whether it is justified or not.

Critical Translations

Translations of specific texts related to the interests of Studia Hegeliana are published. The appropriate length of the translation submitted will be decided by the editorial team.


Works published less than 3 years ago and related to the theme of the journal Studia hegeliana are disseminated and discussed.

Length of contributions: The text must be written in A-4 format, Times 12; footnotes in Times 10. 

Between 1200 and 2000 words.

Jornal editorial Team decides whether or not to include them.


Reports or dicussions on bibliography related to Hegel.

Length of contributions: The text must be written in A-4 format, Times 12; footnotes in Times 10.

Text plus notes not exceeding 6500 words.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parts or for their use for other purposes.