The problem of circularity between the Phenomenology of Spirit and the Science of Logic


  • Federico Orsini Universidad Federal de Lavras Brasilien



Circularity, Presupposition, Ground, Science, System


The aim of this article is to discuss the objection of vicious circularity concerning the relation between the Phenomenology of Spiritand the Science of Logic. My argument is articulated in three stages: (i) in the first place, I will provide a historical reconstruction of the debate and I will try to neutralize the objection of vicious circularity; (ii) in the second place, I will examine the latest positions of the Hegel-Forschungabout the issue of a possibly reciprocal presupposition between the PhG and the SL; (iii) in the third place, I will analyze the meaning of a virtuous circularity, by showing its inner relation to a dynamic conception of systematicity.  


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Orsini, F. (2021). The problem of circularity between the Phenomenology of Spirit and the Science of Logic. Studia Hegeliana, 7, 37–57.


