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Ricardo Orellana
Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica (Quito)
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024), STUDIES AND ESSAYS, pages 7-14
Submitted: Aug 5, 2023 Accepted: Dec 11, 2023 Published: Jan 31, 2024
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Currently, society is immersed in a technological fascination that transforms the human experience. The contemporary individual is digital and transhuman, seeking virtual connection but lacking real human contact. This phenomenon generates a "smart" model of the human being that distances him from the encounter and avoids the great questions of humanity. Despite these changes, the search for the meaning of life has persisted throughout history. Religions and even atheistic spirituality recognize a transcendence that goes beyond visible reality. In the educational field, it is essential to address this search for meaning since no exhaustive explanation of existence is limited to what is apparent. The "meaning of life" transcends mere linguistic or anatomical meanings, encompassing perception, dynamic meaning, intentional direction, and values. This sense is configured through interconnected actions and is enriched in extreme situations, promoting internal growth. Ultimately, the human purpose is related to moral, cultural, and spiritual life, and educating in this sense of existence is essential for an integral and enriching formation. This essay proposes two approaches to the meaning of life: 1) as a subjective, individual, or collective purpose; and 2) as self-realization and full life. And it proposes four areas of educational action: learning from simplicity, educating emotions, cultivating love and friendship, and motivating to lead a life of ideals.


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