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Pablo Marín-Liébana
José Salvador Blasco Magraner
Universitat de València
Ana María Botella Nicolás
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021), STUDIES AND ESSAYS, pages 3-24
Submitted: Jul 25, 2020 Accepted: Nov 6, 2020 Published: Jul 26, 2021
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Throughout the history of education, there have been several revisions, reformulations and questioning of it, at different levels of concreteness, which have shaped in our collective imagination a general idea of what is understood as critical education. In a broad sense, both the proposals emanating from the New School movement and the set of traditions that have been developed from the postulates of the critical theory built by the Frankfurt School. However, this theoretical proliferation has generated a discursive dispersion that hinders its understanding and application in different educational fields. In this sense, within the framework of general teaching, an effort has been made since the 1980s to systematize these principles and place them in contrast with other complementary ways of understanding education. This systematization has been carried out mainly based on the concepts of scientific paradigm, curriculum theory and teaching model. However, especially from the most practical areas, it has been criticized for being excessively abstract and not very operative in relation to the different fields of knowledge that are developed in educational centers. Therefore, this work synthetically reviews said systematization and formulates its application to the specific field of music education. Thus, the paradigmatic, curricular and didactic parameters that should lead to a critical musical education are established and examples that arise from them are raised, such as the questioning of the intrinsic beauty of the musical object itself, the selection of the repertoire or the recognition of cultural identities present in the classroom.

Agencies: Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte


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