Assessment of intervention designs in the Practicum as training and research instrument in the Master’s Degree in Teachers Training of Social Sciences


  • Daniel David Martínez-Romera Universidad de Cádiz Spain



Evaluation, prácticum, social sciences, didactic, technological innovation, educa-tional investigation


The present research tries to verify the pertinence of combining 360º evaluation method with federated digital rubric in evaluation processes of teacher training, in order to find efficient ways of identifying behavior patterns and significant variables that help the understanding of internal dynamics in small and large group; as well as providing the students, from the theoretical classroom experience prior to the prácticum, with well-founded elements of judgment regarding their future teaching work. The research was carried out on a group of 26 teachers in training, responsible both to construct the rubric of evaluation for the exhibition of the final work in small group and to apply it. The practical development of the methodology allowed to detect some unique individual / group / class relationships, as well as it helped the future teachers living in first-person evaluation strategies for the practice phase, giving them both a methodology and a valuation founded about it. Although at a stage still in development, the integration of methods seems to open new formulas of monitoring and evaluation; therefore, we believe that further research in this line will allow defining more complete strategies of work and evaluation in contexts of teacher training.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Romera, D. D. . (2017). Assessment of intervention designs in the Practicum as training and research instrument in the Master’s Degree in Teachers Training of Social Sciences. Diario De Practicum, 2(2), 32–49.


