Comprehensive analysis of externships: Tutor and student perspective
Satifaction, Training, Compentences, Surveys, Evaluation reportAbstract
The formative nature of external placements and their contribution to improving the employability of students make it essential to know how they are developed. This work focuses on analysing the external placements of a double degree taught during the 2015-2016 to 2021-2022. The purpose of this analysis is to extract relevant information from the surveys of company tutors and students to find out how external placements are carried out. The analysis of the surveys, over academic years, allows us to contrast two complementary sources of information, as well as providing a temporal analysis of the development of external placements. The statistical exploitation of the surveys allows us to know, among other things, the degree of satisfaction, the level of competence achieved by the students and the degree of labour market insertion. This knowledge enables the Placement Committee to influence those aspects of the external placements that can be improved.
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