Open Access and Reuse Policy

Open Access and Reuse Policy

The Practicum Journal is published with open access and completely free of charge, both for readers and authors. The rights to publish the works are preserved and dissemination is allowed in institutional repositories, personal websites and international databases, directories and data systems. The magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Non-Commercial Attribution License and is located and distributed in the most important Open Access directories such as DOAJ and OpenDOAR.

All articles have DOI and are registered at Crossref.


The Publisher retains the economic rights (copyright) of the published works, and favors and allows the reuse of the same under the Commons 4.0 license of Non-Commercial Recognition.

The acceptance of the work implies that the author gives the Practicum Magazine exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute and sell his or her work worldwide, both in digital and paper format, CD-rom, etc.

Likewise, the authors assign to the Practicum magazine the rights of dissemination, public communication on the Internet and computer networks, databases, as well as any other portal or electronic device for online consultation of its contents and extracts, and under the conditions of the portal, repositories or database where the work is located.

It is therefore recommended that authors deposit their work in:

Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn...).

Institutional repository of their University and public repositories (Mendeley, Cosis...).

Scientific social networks (ResearchGate,, Kudos...).

Personal or institutional website, blog, etc.

Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearchID, ScopusID, Dimensions, PlumX...

The Practicum Journal grants authors the publication and dissemination of their articles and works on their personal websites, research teams, institutional repositories and scientific databases.

Readers' rights.

Readers have the right to read all articles free of charge after publication.

Each article is provided with citation statistics with Dimensions and other statistical data

Digital preservation policies.

This journal uses different national and international repositories and academic bases where the articles are hosted, such as Dialnet and Mendeley, where they are digitally archived and indexed.