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The multiple dimension of what is expanded in Berrocal's work through packaging




Berrocal, packaging, multiplicity, expanded field, polyurethane.
Agencies: Fundación Escultor Berrocal


Innovation in Berrocal works at different levels, ranging from the material to the artist's vision as an entrepreneur; from the multiplicity of the product beyond the artistic work and where, through the packaging, the eight keys to understanding Berrocal's work are expressed: the void, inspiration in the sciences, disassemblability, abstraction and figuration, interactive aesthetics, techniques, multiplication, and the project.

Packaging acts as an expanded field of multiplicity in Berrocal's work, which transcends to the point of being an expression of the multiple extension of his own work, which we analyse through its eight keys as axes of a matrix of analysis: as an extension and compendium of Berrocal's innovative contributions. This expanded dimension is reflected in how the sculptural work is projected as a multiple in different facets and from which we can extract 3 stages: extended, interactive, and multiplicative.


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How to Cite

Alonso Calero, J. M., & Cano García, J. (2023). The multiple dimension of what is expanded in Berrocal’s work through packaging. I+Diseño. Revista Científica De Investigación Y Desarrollo En Diseño, 18, págs. 97–114.


