Design to configure new places and adaptative learning spaces




innovation, modularity, flexibility, adaptability, inclusion


Designing forms and spaces of learning is a process that requires pedagogical, architectural, social, cultural and political creativity.

The national and international scientific literature (OECD, 2017) on educational innovation highlights the close relationship between didactics and the learning environment. For this reason, the processes of educational renewal cannot disregard a new vision of school spaces and educational settings.
New guidelines for school planning are emerging, emphasizing learning as an active and constructive process in which each child has a "leading" role.
Indeed, in the contemporary scenario, students become active participants in the creation of information and new ideas in the educational environment. Consequently, 21st-century education is based on three pedagogical principles (McLoughlin & Lee, 2008): personalization, participation and productivity (Luna Scott, 2015).
The study of these aspects, accompanied by the evaluative and comparative analysis of design experiences in the school field, has made it possible to configure the new SINAPSI 0-14 concept, a furnishing system that adapts and adopts advanced technologies to meet the needs of children and teachers, both current and future, from a holistic perspective.
The aim was to design a system of modular, flexible and adaptable "organic" cells that can be used across the board by users of different ages, from kindergartens to primary and secondary schools. SINAPSI 0-14 is configured in forms belonging to a universe of geometries that can be traced back to a single matrix of organic elements. The set of symbols that can be aggregated define different forms of the furnishing system, making the educational space "chronotopic" and capable of changing according to the time and place it is created and according to its use and needs.
These in-depth studies have made it possible to reconstruct a critical analytical repertoire on the theme of educational spaces and school architecture, interweaving its changes in line with pedagogical models and regulatory instruments to define the school of the future.


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Author Biography

Giovanna Giugliano, Department of Engineering, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

Giovanna Giugliano completed her PhD in Environment, Design and Innovation - Cycle XXXII - at the Department of Engineering of the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" with the topic: "Design for multidimensional human-machine interactions" - PON 2014-2020 "Innovative doctorates with industrial characterisation" - in synergy with the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles industry and in cotutela with the Universidad de Málaga. He currently carries out research and innovation activities on Interaction Design, Ergonomics and User-Centered Design.


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How to Cite

Giugliano, G., Buono, M., & Capece, S. (2021). Design to configure new places and adaptative learning spaces. I+Diseño. Revista Científica De Investigación Y Desarrollo En Diseño, 16, 107–124.



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