Design for Social Impact: Local transformation through collective creativity


  • Pablo Marcel de Arruda Torres Universidade Federal de Campina Grande Brazil



Social innovation, codesign, collective creativity, local development


Design has always been recognized as one of the most efficient ways to achieve innovation. Given the complexity of today's world, design has expanded the scope and is shown as one of the great opportunities to promote the transformation of reality in locals poor of development and future prospects. Thus, as one of the drivers of social innovation and inserting into Project the people who will benefit, in a process known as Codesign, design becomes a tool with enough potential to help people transform their lives.


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How to Cite

de Arruda Torres, P. M. (2015). Design for Social Impact: Local transformation through collective creativity. I+Diseño. Revista Científica De Investigación Y Desarrollo En Diseño, 10, 24–32.



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