Linking spaces, linking people

An artistic installation as a LINK by UMA-Atech branding strategy within a UMA brand architecture.




branding art, branding architecture, open innovation, installation, art


The Linking spaces, linking people project is a series of actions / interventions that are proposed as a branding strategy for the LINK by UMA-Atech brand on the university campus of the University of Malaga. Strategy composed of different interventions that consist of artistic installations around the campus using a language typical of contemporary artistic practices, thus achieving a combination in the communication strategy - in accordance with the disruptive philosophy - of the brand object of this study: LINK by UMA -Atech, a brand of the University of Malaga. LINK by UMA-Atech is the brand of a service dedicated exclusively to promoting entrepreneurship and open innovation, and whose hub constitutes an ecosystem uniquely different from its parent brand (i.e. institutional brand of the UMA). Our objective is to analyze this case, within its brand architecture, in comparison with the case of the Wayra brand, as a benchmark for entrepreneurship and open innovation and registered in the Telefónica corporation. and thus propose a methodology of implosion and explosion of the brand identity through an explosion strategy that is reflected in the strategy that generated as a result Linking Spaces, linking people. In addition, through this article we identify links through branding art and the need to build a typology of brand architecture for the University of Malaga that allows it to optimize and differentially manage its identity and its entire brand system.


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How to Cite

Alonso Calero, J. M. (2020). Linking spaces, linking people: An artistic installation as a LINK by UMA-Atech branding strategy within a UMA brand architecture. I+Diseño. Revista Científica De Investigación Y Desarrollo En Diseño, 15, 139–160.



Artículos académico-científicos