Teaching practice of antiquity with gender perspective

A proposal made by the ARSMAYA research group





ancient art, archaeology, art history, teaching innovation, women


The innovation teaching project “Nou-PID: Innovación en la docencia de la Historia del arte: acciones para dar visibilidad a las mujeres en la Antigüedad” of the Universitat de València is presented. First, the main goals are explained, which are based on the implementation of the gender perspective in the studies of Antiquity through the flipped classroom and autonomous and integrated learning methodologies. Next, the teaching practices carried out in the different subjects are developed. They are based on the use of pre-existing quality online resources, and the creation of an online platform through the creation of a blog and the generation of videos. In the last section, a global assessment of the project is undertaken and the study of feminine images of the past is valued not only to make their presence visible in ancient societies, but also to reflect on the creation of femenine stereotypes.


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How to Cite

Feliu Beltrán, N., Horcajada Campos, P. ., López-Bertran, M., & Martí Bonafé, M. Ángeles. (2022). Teaching practice of antiquity with gender perspective: A proposal made by the ARSMAYA research group. Eviterna Journal, (12), 43–58. https://doi.org/10.24310/Eviternare.vi12.14635



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