Faculty's Coordination Facing the Challenge of the Teaching in Pandemic





Coordination, Online Teaching, Flipped Classroom, Pandemic, Cooperative learning


The central axis of reflection in this text lies in the importance of the coordination of the faculty in the face of the challenge that teaching has posed during the COVID pandemic. To do this, two specific cases are taken: one of postgraduate teaching (Master's Degree in Analysis and Authentication of Art Works) and another of undergraduate teaching (Seminars on visual culture for degrees in History and History of Art), both taught in the Faculty of Geography and History at University of Valencia. With the experience arising from these two cases, the modifications that had to be made with the abrupt change to online teaching are proposed. For a good adaptation, the teamwork of the teaching staff is shown as fundamental, as well as the modifications that were carried out so as not to alter, as far as possible, the teaching-learning process in the context of the global pandemic. In this sense, emphasis is placed not only on the decisions made when creating materials and organizing the sessions, but also on the importance of cooperative work by both teachers and students. In the same way, the problems that have arisen are shown, as well as the importance of flexibility and constant adaptation to the new situation.


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Author Biography

Elena Monzón Pertejo

Doctora en Historia del Arte por la Universitat de València (2017).


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How to Cite

Monzón Pertejo, E. (2022). Faculty’s Coordination Facing the Challenge of the Teaching in Pandemic . Eviterna Journal, (12), 31–42. https://doi.org/10.24310/Eviternare.vi12.14628



Dossier Teaching innovation in the study of the image