Last September the monographic issue dedicated to Picasso was published on our website.
This issue was published exactly on 29 September 2023, in strict compliance with the periodicity of the magazine.
The reason why the issue has not yet been widely disseminated through social networks and other platforms is that we are still awaiting the publication permits from VEGAP (Visual Entidad de Gestión de Artistas Plásticos) and, therefore, the texts have had to be formatted and published with the images veiled (pending VEGAP).
The idea is to make a wide diffusion when we have the definitive OK from the entity, so that the texts can be read and visualised correctly (as they will have to be modified, which will also affect the final date of publication that is indicated next to the cover of the issue.
That said, the articles are available, but without images yet. We can tell you, however, that this is an extremely interesting monograph coordinated by Salvador Haro and Carlos Ferrer with great care and attention to detail.
We just have to be patient.
Best regards,
Eviterna Team