Adapt or Perish ! A Systematic Review of the Literature on Strategic Renewal and the Family Firm


  • Remedios Hernández Linares University of Extremadura, Spain Spain
  • Triana Arias-Abelaira University of Extremadura, Spain Spain



Family firm, Literature Review, Strategic, Renewal
Agencies: NA


The objective of this paper is to examine the current state of strategic renewal research in family businesses, identifying the main research gaps and providing a path for future research to the academics. To do so, we have performed a systematic and comprehensive review of 21 studies (20 articles and 1 book chapter) about strategic renewal and family business published between 2009 and 2022. Our comprehensive analysis reveals that the majority of studies to date are empirical studies that have focused on the strategic renewal’s antecedents, while the strategic renewal’s outcomes remain unexplored. This and other significant research gaps are identified and discussed in this review, which emphasizes the need for further research about the topic.



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How to Cite

Hernández Linares, R., & Arias-Abelaira, T. (2022). Adapt or Perish ! A Systematic Review of the Literature on Strategic Renewal and the Family Firm: . European Journal of Family Business, 12(2), 137–155.



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