About the Journal

EJFB was born in 2011 with the name of Revista de Empresa Familiar as an initiative of the Santander Chair in Family Firms at the University of Malaga (Spain). In 2016, the journal changes its name to European Journal of Family Business, publishing its content in English since then. The University of Malaga is publisher of EJFB.

EJFB is an open access journal devoted to the publication of internationally relevant research practice-oriented articles pertaining to entrepreneurial family, business-owning families, family business, and allied fields. EJFB aims to build bridges among scholars and practitioners by publishing original research with practical interest for this topic. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts to shed new light on contemporary challenges in the broad domain of family business.

EJFB accepts manuscripts for evaluation written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Please note that this journal only publishes muanuscripts in English. If the manuscript is submitted in a non-English language, authors commit to translate it to English once it is accepted.

Publishing ethics issues

EJFB is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follows their recomendation on publication ethics and standards. For handling potentially unethical behavior by authors, reviewers, or editors, our journal adheres to COPE's policies. The editors of EJFB must ensure high-quality publications and enforce a rigorous peer review process together with strict ethical policies and standards in the publication. The EJFB's ethics in publishing is based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines.  The journal uses iThenticate’s CrossCheck software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts.

We invite you to visit our Ethics in research & publication page for more information.

Peer review process

EJFB is committed to peer review integrity. Papers will only be sent to review if the editor determine that the paper meets the appropriate quality and relevance requirements. Papers authored by editors or Editorial Board members will be sent to editors unaffiliated with the author(s) or institution(s) and monitored carefully to ensure there is no peer review bias.

The content of each peer review is confidential, for use only by the handling editor, authors, and Direction of the EJFB. The article review process is done with the Open Journal System software (OJS) that guarantees automated and auditable electronic registration of all interactions.

For more details about the journal review process, please visit the section peer review procces. EJFB's policy on the responsibilities of parties involved in the review process is available here. Information on privacy protection is available here.

Publication frecuency

EJFB has a periodicity of two (2) issues per year: June and December.

Open Access

Open access (OA) refers to the practice of providing online access to scientific information (research articles and research data) that is free of charge to the end-user and reusable.

EJFB  is a Diamond open access journal. Diamond OA refers to a scholarly publication model in which journals and platforms do not charge fees to either authors or readers. EJFB provides immediate and fully open access to its content, which means that all content will be permanently available for free without delay. There are no financial, legal or technical barriers to accessing publications.

In support of the OA initiative, we encourage authors self-archive their publications in open access repositories. Specifically, Spanish authors should  make a deposit of their accepted manuscripts to their respective institutional repositories upon acceptance of their articles. In papers published in EJFB, we encourage sharing their publications with colleagues and other stakeholders. For further information and guidance, please refer to the Recolecta website.

To make research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR), we also encourage authors to deposit their research data (data underlying publications considered as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation) in their institutional repositories or open access thematic repositories (e.g., repositories within the European Open Science Cloud initiative - EOSC).

Publication charges

There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charge for this journal. Authors are not asked to pay Article Processing Charges (APCs) for this journal in any case. 


Copyright regulates the rights of creators of literary, scientific or artistic works. Copyright generates two different rights: moral rights and patrimonial rights that EJFB recognizes and respects. Moral rights are those relating to the recognition of the authorship. They are rights of a personal nature that are perpetual, inalienable, unseizable and imprescriptible as consequence of the indivisible union of the author and his/her work. Patrimonial rights are those that can be derived from the reproduction, distribution, adaptation or communication of the work, among others.

Authors who publish in EJFB retain the copyright of their work and grant the right of its first publication to the journal in open acces. EJFB is authorized to reproduce, distribute, disseminate or  communicate the work under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If the paper is accepted for publication, the author may re-use their work according to this license. This means the following:

You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit to its author(s). Moral rights are personal, perpetual, indisputable and inalienable, which implie the right to be reconognized and cited correctly.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. 

All about this License is available in the following link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

EJFB uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS) as a platform for managing and publishing articles. OJS support natively in the generation of Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The DOI system is a unique alphanumeric string that is used to identify an online resource, such as a journal article or a book chapter. DOIs are assigned to EJFB's publications in order to provide a persistent and reliable way to locate the publication on the internet.

Crossref is the organization responsible for assigning DOIs to scholarly items (articles, datasets, etc.). EJFB is a member of Crossref, and every time we publish a new issue we will deposit new DOIs at Crossref's databases.

Open Researcher & Contributor ID (ORCID)

ORCID serves a purpose for researchers similar to that of DOI for articles. ORCID is an unique identifier for researchers/authors. Researchers can apply for an ORCID free of charge using a simple registration form on the ORCID website. An ORCID enables disambiguation between two researchers with the same name, ensuring that academic credit for a publication is given to the correct author.

It would be desirable that all authors have an ORCID account and, in any case, the corresponding author should have it. We encourage all authors to create them. As a member of Crossref we are linking each unique article (DOI) with its corresponding authors through their ORCID numbers.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. For more detailed information, please visit this section of our website.

Anti-Plagiarism checker

EJFB maintains a policy of an anti-plagiarism that ensures that all work is previously unpublished, through the use of the professional services of Crossref Similarity Check by Ithenticate software to compare the text of submitted papers for similarity. We use this service on all documents that have surpassed the editorial classification process and so are susceptible to revision from some blind reviewers.

EJFB reserves the right to reject articles with an unacceptable proportion of similarities.

Digital Preservation policy

All of our electronic content (website, manuscripts, etc.) is stored on several sources. Content on one server is online and accessible to the readers. The copy of the same content is kept as a backup on as the OJS software makes weekly copies through LOCKSS and CLOCKS archiving systems. DOIs of the articles also ensure the durability of access through Crossref. The content of the journal is also available in open access in different databases such as REBID and DIALNET, which guarantees the preservation of content by more than one database. The preservation policy includes the following measures:

Website Archiving

All of our electronic content (website, manuscripts, etc.) is stored on several sources. Content on one server is online and accessible to the readers. The copy of the same content is kept as a backup on as the OJS software makes weekly copies through LOCKSS and CLOCKS archiving systems. DOIs of the articles also ensure the durability of access through Crossref. The content of the journal is also available in open access in different databases such as REBID and DIALNET, which guarantees the preservation of content by more than one database.

Abstracting/Indexing Services

Our journal’s Abstracting/Indexing services store many essential information about the articles. Additionally,  journal’s Abstracting/Indexing services archive not only the metadata about the article, but also  the electronic versions of the articles. Therefore, copies of the articles are available to the scientific community through their systems as an alternative to the journals own.


Authors may archive and share the accepted and published version of their articles. EJFB encourages authors electronically disseminate their works including self-archiving or deposit in open access repositories, as it favours the dissemination of the knowledge.

Accepted version. Authors should include all the information of their work, explicitly informing that the work has been accepted for publication as follows: This article has been accepted for publication in European Journal of Family Business, published by UMA Editorial (Spain).

Published version. The work must be correctly referenced (name of the authors, title, journal, year of publication, volume, number, etc.) and linked using its  DOI.

Metadata and Full-Text XML Harvesting

The OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) is a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability used to harvest (or collect) the metadata descriptions and in our case also the full-text articles.

Metadata for all published articles is available in the Dublin Core format (oai- dc).

Website: https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/ejfb/oai


EJFB is included in the Public Knowledge Project Private LOCKSS Network  (PKP PLN), a distributed archiving system that creates permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration, as Open Journal Systems supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for journal content.


The CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe) Archive is a not-for- profit, dark archive, that preserves digital scholarly materials for the very long term, through a global and geopolitically distributed network of archive nodes. Founded by the world's leading libraries and publishers, the CLOCKSS Archive has achieved a unique consensus among publishers, who agree to make their content available for free in the case that they can no longer supply it. When content is not available from a publisher, CLOCKSS makes it freely available to everyone on the web, under a Creative Commons license.

Frequency of the Keepers Registry updates: Quarterly.

More information is available at https://keepers.issn.org/


Access to articles through LOCKSS/CLOCKSS

EJFB is indexed in different databases to ensure preservation and access to the content of the journal in case it is not published anymore (e.g., Dialnet, RePEC repositories). Besides, the journal is stored in the University of Malaga Institutional Repository (RIUMA).


Spanish Association of Family Enterprise Researchers (SAFER ). 


UMA Editorial, Universidad de Málaga (España).

Tfno. +34 952 13 23 23
