About the Journal

The European Journal of Family Business (EJFB) is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to publishing internationally relevant, practice-oriented articles related to business-owning families, family businesses, and related fields. The journal aims to improve communication between academia and practice by providing insights and advice drawn from rigorous research that are of interest to business practitioners. The Spanish Association of Family Enterprise Researchers (SAFER) collaborates closely with EJFB.

EJFB is a diamond open access journal that offers complete access to its content, ensuring that all material remains permanently  available for free without any delay. Authors are not asked to pay Article Processing Charges (APC) for this journal in any case.

EJFB has a periodicity of two (2) issues per year: June and December.


Progress Update for European Journal of Family Business


We are excited to announce that the European Journal of Family Business has successfully passed the Editorial Triage step in the evaluation process conducted by Clarivate. This is an important milestone towards being included in the prestigious Web of Science database.

We sincerely appreciate your continued support through submitting, reading, and citing our articles. Your engagement helps strengthen the journal’s impact and visibility as we strive toward achieving this significant goal.

Thank you for your trust and collaboration.

Read more about Progress Update for European Journal of Family Business

FECYT | Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology 

Since 2023, European Journal of Family Business has been awarded the Fecyt Seal of Quality.