About the Journal

Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía is a quaterly interdisciplinary research journal that covers the thematic fields of Philosophy, Moral and Political Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, and Aesthetics and Theory of Arts, and is edited by the Philosophy Degree of the University of Malaga (Spain), in collaboration with the Publications and Scientific Dissemination Service of the University of Málaga.

The articles published in Contrastes are indexed in SCOPUS (Q3), The Philosopher’s Index, Latindex, ISOC-Filosofía e Indice Español de Humanidades, FRANCIS-Philosophie, Réper-toire Bibliographique de la Philosophie, Bulletin Signalétique Philosophie, Informa-tionsdienst für Philosophie, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH),y  por la Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB).



Current Issue

Vol. 29 No. 3 (2024): A 30 años de El error de Descartes Estudios en torno a la obra de Antonio Damasio
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