María Zambrano: La muerte viviente


  • Ana Bungard AARHUS University Denmark



Life-Giving Death, Awakening, original Feeling, Genuine Life, Being


María Zambrano did not think of death as end of life, but rather as «genuine life». She understood it as instants of radical loss that the subject lives through in a limit-experience which she herself characterized as one of being cast away or «shipwrecked». The article addresses the dialectical relation between life and death
seen as complementary poles in María Zambrano’s metaphysics. There is no life without death, she says, for being emerges from nothingness. When it feels being, the subject initiates a dying which is an «awakening» of the creative love it received in the origin of life. Death is a source of hope and wisdom for whom accepts its


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How to Cite

Bungard, A. (2020). María Zambrano: La muerte viviente. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 12(2), 207–224.

