Allusion as a cognitive mechanism




Allusion, Quotation, Plagiarism, Echo, Conversational Maxims, Implicature


In spite of the fact that allusion is widely used by poets, writers and philosophers as well as in everyday language, its features and scope as a cognitive device have been scarcely studied. This is true to the de extent that the noun allusion is not worth a humble entry in specialized dictionaries and encyclopaedias, not only of philosophy, but also neither of linguistics. Taking into account such a status quaestionis, this paper attempts to achieve several goals, namely, 1) showing that allusion is a cognitive device; 2) defining allusion with regard to quotation, plagiarism and echo; 3) considering allusion as a case of implicature; and 4) analysing the main features of allusion. All these items are studied by means of appealing to serious, poetic and philosophical texts as well as humorous and everyday language texts and utterances.


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How to Cite

Chamizo Domínguez, P. J. (2021). Allusion as a cognitive mechanism. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 13(2), 85–118.