Meditation, history, containment

Heidegger and the ontohistorical reformulation of aletheiology


  • Alejandro G. Vigo Universidad de Navarra Spain



Alehteiology, kairology, history of being, enowning, restraint


This essay presents an overview of the way in which the «turn» (Kehre) towards ontohistorical thought, in the mid-30s, impacts on the aletheiological conception that, following E. Lask and E. Husserl, Heidegger elaborates from the beginning of the 1920s to Sein und Zeit. On this basis, an attempt is also made to characterize the eventualist-kairological reformulation of aletheiology presented in Beiträge zur Philosophie. The proposed characterization is carried out according to the distinction between a metahistorical level of consideration, which corresponds to the attempt to think of being in its truth in terms of the notion of «event» (Ereignis), and a properly historical level of consideration, which corresponds to the «hermeneutics of the two beginnings». The thought that historically meditates Being in its truth can only be faithful to the intrinsic mobility of Being itself, if it is exercised in and from the stillness of restraint, as a fundamental mood.


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How to Cite

G. Vigo, A. (2020). Meditation, history, containment: Heidegger and the ontohistorical reformulation of aletheiology. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 12(2), 45–74.

