Comparative Study of Dewey’s Notion of Nature and Confucius’ Terms «Xing» (?) and «Tian» (?)


  • Gloria Luque Moya Universidad de Málaga Spain



ONtology, Pragmatism, Experience,


This article attempts to broaden the approach to Deweyan notion of nature by means of a comparative analysis with the conception which Confucius proposes in the Analects. Following the comparative methodology developed by the authors Roger Ames and David Hall, this study deals with the qualities which the American philosopher attributes to this notion in relation with the Chinese characters xing and tian. The goal of this approach does not lie in showing forced similarities, but in emphasizing the contrast of ideas, the differences which distinguish the authors compared. Obviously, in order to establish this dialogue these philosophers must share some common ideas, and this will be a significant aspect of the comparison: to highlight the connections between both philosophers, without forgetting the context and the different influences from which these two thinkers develop their proposals


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Author Biography

Gloria Luque Moya, Universidad de Málaga

Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Malaga


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How to Cite

Luque Moya, G. (2019). Comparative Study of Dewey’s Notion of Nature and Confucius’ Terms «Xing» (?) and «Tian» (?). Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 11(1), 9–31.

