Being and Nothingness
In The Pursuit of Being, the introduction of Being and Nothingness byJean-Paul Sartre, it is investigated in depth the field of Consciousness. Along this introduction will arise questions such as: Is it possible to eliminate the dualism between phenomenon and noumenon? Does some real unity exist between the appearance and the essence of the phenomenon and, in turn, between the fact of knowing the above mentioned phenomenon? Is it before the phenomenon of being or the being of the phenomenon? Is it the same essence that being? What is the meaning of the percipi's being? What is the real medium of consciousness? And many other ontological questions. Though these questions already have arisen previously in many other philosophical works, Sartre returns to raise these ontological problems to try to give them a new draft and to find new solutions that clarify them.Downloads
Sartre, J.-P. (1993). El ser y la nada (p. 17). Barcelona: Eunsa.
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