Nietzsche in the Avant-Garde
The artistic avant-garde movements were born embedded in a world of change, to overthrow a system of declining orders. In the early twenties art experienced the first great crisis of the aesthetic canon that once defined it, the avant-garde put this in question causing the breakdown of traditional narrative and reinventing it to make one of the pillars of contemporary world, opening a door from the impossible to the possible.
As we will see in this article, Nietzsche´s work was able to anticipate the general coordinates of the avant-garde with the keys of his thought: nihilism, the dionysian / apollonian dichotomy and the will to power as main concepts to understand its genesis, the process of artistic action and meaning. His thinking will be covered at different stages, and will be interrelate with the avant-garde, especially with Dada and Surrealism.
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