The Self or Consciousness in its Relationship to the Other Self. Agrements and disagreements between Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and Lévinas's Totality and Infinity
This space offers a number of aspects of the philosophy of Levinas expressed in a section of his work Totality and Infinity faced with the thought of Hegel in the context of inter-relationships around ethical behavior of consciousness of self against to the other self. The meetings points and even more disagreements between the two authors show that the historical context is crucial in the postures posed to the extent that offer mostly differing interpretations according to each subject´s relationship with the external to itself. The aim of this space for discussion between the two authors is to highlight the importance and role of the figure of Hegelian self-consciousness in front of the building societies that aspire to implement projects of social justice and true democracy.
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GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, J., «Fuentes del pensamiento levinasiano«, Thémata,. Núm. 26 (2001).
HEGEL, G.W.F. El sistema de la eticidad. Madrid, Editora Nacional, 1982.
- Fenomenología del Espíritu. México: Fondo de Cul-tura Económica, 2010.
- Filosofía del Espíritu. Buenos Aires, Editorial Claridad, S.A., 1969.
LEVINÁS, E., Totalidad e Infinito. Salamanca, Ediciones Sígueme, 2006.
LÓPEZ SÁENZ, Mª C. El otro en la filosofía de Levinás. [en línea]. Consultado el 02.03.2017 en:
NUSSBAUM, M. C. Emociones políticas. ¿Por qué el amor es importante para la justicia?. Consultado el 02.03.2017 en:
POLO, L. Introducción a Hegel. Edición y presentación de Juan A. García González. Pamplona, Cuadernos de Anuario Filosófico, 2010.
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