Thics and politics in Butler's epistemological theory of the "frame"


  • Naím Garnica CONICET Argentina
  • Brenda Hildalgo CONICET Argentina





This essay aims at demonstrating how, in Butler’s work, it could be thought that the apprehension of a life is related to the conditions of possibility of the knowledge that make that life legitimate. From this relationship, we aim at approaching the notion of frame as an epistemological problem that implies the consideration of acknowledgement rules as ethical and political. So as to characterize this relationship, we shall contrast the reach of Butler’s analysis with Michel Foucault’s biopolitical proposal. Besides, we shall try to explain how the concept of frame gives proof of the post-structuralist legacy in Butler’s ethical turn.


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How to Cite

Garnica, N., & Hildalgo, B. (2017). Thics and politics in Butler’s epistemological theory of the "frame". Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 9(1), 49–65.

