Ethics and public values as a guide for action in the face of the expansion of artificial intelligence:
why should public administrations lead the social governance of these disruptive technologies?
public administrations, public ethics, governance, Artificial Intelligence, disruptive technology, public valuesAbstract
The accelerated expansion of disruptive technologies such as Generative Artificial Intelligence and its progressive application to the different spheres of society have evidenced the enormous transformative potential they possess, but also the great risks derived from their widespread use. On this basis, this article analyzes and reflects on the role that public authorities should play as the only institutions capable of preserving public ethics, public values and the common good in the face of technological development. Thus, the creation of public value and the preservation of public ethics must constitute a frame of reference for placing disruptive technologies at the service of citizens and building appropriate public governance.
This proposal therefore reaffirms the importance of public authorities configuring an effective model of social governance of this disruptive technology, which should be understood as a priority aspect on the public agenda. Any other response from public institutions, whether passive, reactive or inhibitory, would jeopardize not only the management of public affairs, but also the very essence of the current representative democratic order.
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