Hegel and the light.

The optical imagery of the Science of logic





Hegel, logic, metaphor, light, optics, reflection


The purity of the logical sphere calls for a sober language, without sensitive embellishments or concessions to the
imagination. Hence the strangeness of discovering the presence of metaphors in it, as well as the fact that all of
them are related to the light in some way. What can be the meaning of the presence to these metaphors in the logical language? Why do they all point to a phenomenon as sensitive as light? Is there some kind of relationship between logic and optics in Hegel’s philosophy? The objective of this work is to prove that optical imagery is not something purely ornamental or arbitrary, but that it fits perfectly into logical architecture and fulfills a strictly methodical function in it, directly related to the purpose of exposing the Absolute as Subject. Properly understood, the logic metaphors allow us to resolve some recurring misunderstandings in the history of Hegelianism. 


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How to Cite

Fabo Lanuza, J. (2023). Hegel and the light. : The optical imagery of the Science of logic. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 15(2), 103–176. https://doi.org/10.24310/Claridadescrf.v15i2.15232