Sloterdijk philosopher of History




spheres, spatiality, history, technique


Contrary to tradition, the existence in Peter Sloterdijk’s theory of a possible philosophy of History is proposed. But it would not be a philosophy of History in the way understood, for example, by analytic philosophy or continental philosophy, or even German philosophy itself. Sloterdijk’s, it is conjectured, would be a philosophy of History as a critique of a technical spatiality, a version that would ultimately be indebted to the technical-axiological conception of the being-in-spheres. In this way, the history of our species would be the history of our survival, where the prefix «super» would become an unexpected historical imperative, paradoxically, typical of an anti-supremacist philosophy.


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How to Cite

Tillería Aqueveque, leopoldo. (2024). Sloterdijk philosopher of History. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 16(1), 45–64.