The just character of States and the development of human natural dispositions according to Kant


  • Martín Arias Albisu CONICET Argentina



Kant, State, constitution, human dispositions
Agencies: CONICET (Argentina)


Kant considers that the specific dispositions of the human species can only fully develop in one State with a just constitution. Such dispositions are the technical, the pragmatic and the moral. We will show in which way the existence of a just State fosters and assures the development of those dispositions. In Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Aim (1784), Kant holds that a totally just constitution is only an idea of practical reason to which we must asymptotically approach. The integral realization of this constitution is impossible. On the other hand, in Toward Perpetual Peace (1795), Kant presents a conception of republics as just, achievable and peaceful States. While in the text of 1784 the moral disposition is a condition of possibility of a just State, in the work of 1795 a republican State is a condition of the promotion of the morality of the citizens.


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How to Cite

Arias Albisu, M. (2023). The just character of States and the development of human natural dispositions according to Kant. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 15(1), 243–261.