Irrationalism is a pessimism

The emptying of finality in Schopenhauer´s teleology


  • Begoña Pessis García Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Chile



Schopenhauer, purpose, pessimism, irrationalism, history


The following paper has the purpose to highlight the tragic contrast between the natural teleological assumption and the absence of moral teleology in Schopenhauer´s thought. His philosophical gesture will be understood as the emptying of finality. Concretely, I will examine how the absurd which takes place by virtue of said contrast, added to the conception of life that
beats in Schopenhauerian project, drives to a necessary irrational and pessimist consideration of existence. From the author’s perspective, if there is no rational purpose for the world, then then there isn’t any other path but pessimism. In this direction, I would like to focus in one of the most radical consequences of the premises mentioned (known as, the lack of the final purpose, the irrationalism, the guise of teleological adjustment and the conception of life). I’m talking
about the impossibility of history and, along with it, the impossibility of any kind of change or transformation. Finally, I will try to clear up two possible suspicions regarding the irrationality and absence of final end [Endzweck] in Schopenhauer’s philosophy.


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How to Cite

Pessis García, B. (2023). Irrationalism is a pessimism: The emptying of finality in Schopenhauer´s teleology. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 15(1), 41–78.