Listening to the Universe


  • Igor Klyukanov Eastern Washington Univeresity United States



Listening, Obedience, Alterity, Grammar, Metaphor, Metonymy, Communication


The present article focuses on listening conceptualized as an active process of perception, with no fixed boundaries, directly connected to thought, and highlighting the ethical underpinnings of communication. Overall, listening is discussed as the primary and authentic characteristic of being with a double movement – towards the Other and towards oneself. A close link between obedience and listening is emphasized, which is demonstrated by emplying the Russian equivalent of the verb ‘to obey’ and the peculiarities of its cases. The dynamic nature of listening is also discussed in terms of metaphor (transfer based on similarity) and metonymy (transfer based on contiguity). It is argued that listening reveals the liminal and sacred nature of communication.


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How to Cite

Klyukanov, I. (2022). Listening to the Universe. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 14(2), 141–154.

