Rethinking the onto-theo-logy today

A dialogue with Gianni Vattimo


  • Fernando Pérez Borbujo Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain



Metaphysics, Onto-theo-logy, Pensiero dêbole, Hermeneutical Communism, Nihilism


The thought of Gianni Vattimo, father of the pensiero débole, is consciously situated within the framework of a history of metaphysics, which has in Nietzsche and Heidegger, two of the most outstanding representatives of one of its turns or high points. The pensiero débole, redefined in his latest writings as hermeneutical communism, corresponds to a new milestone in this history of metaphysics that is nothing other than the history of Western onto-theo-logy, where the concepts of Being and God, configure the entire space of that fundamental science or philosophy, metaphysics, founded by Aristotle, reconfigured by Thomas Aquinas,
criticized by Nietzsche and redefined by Heidegger.


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How to Cite

Pérez Borbujo, F. (2021). Rethinking the onto-theo-logy today: A dialogue with Gianni Vattimo. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 13(1), 171–188.