The interpretation of nature

metaphysics and teleology, Nietzsche’s reading of Plato


  • Álvaro Pablo Vallejo Campos Universidad de Granada Spain



Plato, Natur, Metaphysics, Teleology, Finalism, Chance, Nietzsche


Metaphysics can be understood as a discipline whose object is the intelligible entities, but it is also an interpretation of nature, which is its real beginning as Plato´s «second sailing». Nietzsche´s inversion of Platonism has in the critique of finalism one of its main points. The opposition apparent/true world, from this
perspective, can be explained in terms of the absence or presence of teleology in the interpretation of nature, but in Nietzsche´s view finalism belongs to the apparent and not to the real world. Leaving aside his critique and the genealogy that he attributes to Platonism, his interpretation of Plato´s philosophy in
this point in accurate, because Plato tried to deliver with his theory of ideas a conception of the real causes of becoming, based on the categories of finality and unity, just what he called his «second sailing», as an alternative to the theory of nature proposed by Presocratic philosophy


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How to Cite

Vallejo Campos, Álvaro P. (2021). The interpretation of nature: metaphysics and teleology, Nietzsche’s reading of Plato. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 13(1), 149–170.