Fortitude’s Iconographic Type in the «New Visuality»


  • María Montesinos Castañeda Universitat de València Spain



Fortitude, Cardinal virtues, Allegory, Iconography, Visual Culture


Though Italian influences prevail in Fortitude’s visual tradition, during 15th and 16th centuries, some artists in the French ambit abandoned its codified attributes in order to develop new ones. This gave rise to a «new visuality», which provided a new iconographic type for visual coalescence of Fortitude. Such innovation is the iconic manifestation of the features that thinkers assign to this virtue. Likewise, the coexistence of a «new visuality» and Italian visual tradition gave rise to the interaction of attributes between iconographic types.


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Author Biography

María Montesinos Castañeda, Universitat de València

Personal Investigador en Formación, Departamento de Historia del Arte, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universitat de València


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How to Cite

Montesinos Castañeda, M. (2020). Fortitude’s Iconographic Type in the «New Visuality». Boletín De Arte, (41), 151–160.



Research Paper