The Diversity of Oriental Ideals: a Re-reading of Asian Unity in the Work of Okakura Kakuz? from the Indian Perspective




Okakura kakuz?, Rabindranath Tagore, Artistic theory, Pan-Asianism, Originality, Tradition, Bengal School


This paper proposes new nuances in the interpretation of Okakura Kakuz?’s work The Ideals of the East (1903) using Bengali theoretical sources linked to artistic pedagogy. The interaction of Okakura Kakuz? with the cultural elites of Calcutta led to the writing of that book, but also to the implementation of a cultural twinning relevant to the study of artistic modernity in Asia. This article breaks down the ideological unity of Asia proposed by Okakura and the Bengali theorists with the intention of showing the main Western theoretical sources used in the construction of the Asian unitary ideal. The purpose of this article is to provide already consolidated clues in Indian anticolonial artistic theory to interpret Okakura’s text in a more open key.


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How to Cite

Román Aliste, S. (2021). The Diversity of Oriental Ideals: a Re-reading of Asian Unity in the Work of Okakura Kakuz? from the Indian Perspective. Boletín De Arte, (42), 247–255.



Research Paper