The Motif of the Police Still Life


  • Jordi Balló Fantova Universidad Pompeu Fabra Spain
  • Alan Salvadó Romero Universidad Pompeu Fabra Spain
  • Eduard Cairol Carabí Universidad Pompeu Fabra Spain



Iconography, Still Life, Police Still Life, Iconology, Power


This article analyzes a form of iconographic transmission that originates from artistic sources of the past, the Mannerist and Baroque still lifes, which is readjusted and reformulated by the security forces to convey a communicative message of significant impact: the confiscated objects in a police raid are presented in an art form we call «police still life», that immediately incites the sense of guilt. This systematic practice of various Spanish police forces presents a method of using an iconographic motif as a communicative form of state power. This article summarizes some of the results of the research project MOVEP (The visual motifs in the public sphere. Production and circulation of images of power in Spain, 2011-2017), CSO2017-88876-P, whose main objective is to analyze the recurrence, production, and circulation of specific motifs related to the representation of power in images appearing in the press, digital media, cinema and television.


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Author Biographies

Jordi Balló Fantova, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Decano de la Facultad de Comunicación y Profesor Agregado del Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra.

Alan Salvadó Romero, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Profesor Lector en el Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra.

Eduard Cairol Carabí, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Profesor Agregado del Departamento de Humanidades de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra.


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How to Cite

Balló Fantova, J., Salvadó Romero, A., & Cairol Carabí, E. (2020). The Motif of the Police Still Life. Boletín De Arte, (41), 59–70.



Research Paper