Critical Considerations of the Initial Delirious Phenomenon in the Critical Paranoid Method of Salvador Dalí and the CCTV Building of Rem Koolhaas
Delirious, Surrealism, Dalí, Koolhaas, Millet, SkyscraperAbstract
The objective of this article is to demonstrate the validity of Salvador Dalí’s Critical Paranoid Method in its application to the interpretation and analysis of art and architecture, which the artist defined in his work Le mythe tragique de «L’Angélus» de Millet. For this, it will be applied to the interpretation of the architecture of Rem Koolhaas, and in particular to his Chinese television building, the CCTV in Beijing. It works in harmony with the imaginary plane and the most analytical plane following different paths.
The initial delusional phenomenon is the moment in which the obsessive image appears for the first time, on which the critical paranoid method is applied. Here the initial delusional phenomenon is the event of the TVCC fire in Beijing in 2009. Since it becomes apparent, the real image is instantly anchored to the delusional phenomenon.
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