Power, Memory and Identity. A Postcolonial Reading of Contemporary South African Feminist Art





Postcolonial Theory, South African Art, Feminist Art, Mary Sibande, Zanele Muholy, Dineo Seshee Bopape


In postapartheid South Africa a generation of black women are contributing with their artistic work to the critical reflection on the strategies of differentiation and absortion of the otherness linked to colonialism. Their task of political denunciation overcomes the conventional ways of ethnographic exhibition of native women and the shortcomings of the art inspired by mainstream feminism in that country. This article analyses how those artists symbolise and condemn the mechanisms of colonialist power and representation, thus recovering the memory of a historic relationship of subjugation. A selection of artworks illustrates how otherness construction and fixation strategies such as stereotype and mimicry are confronted from the intermediate space in which a new hybrid discourse arises. This critical review of the colonial history extends into present-day South African society, where prejudice and situations of exclusion derived from the recent discriminatory past still persist.


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Author Biography

Santiago Rementeria-Sanz, Fundación Gaiker (Universidad del País Vasco)

Santiago Rementeria-Sanz es graduado en Historia del Arte por la U.N.E.D. y doctor por la Universidad del País Vasco. Fue visiting scientist en la Universidad Carnegie Mellon de Pittsburgh, Estados Unidos, e imparte cursos de las universidades del País Vasco, Deusto y Dortmund, Alemania. Es miembro del Comité de Dirección de la Escuela de Doctorado de la Universidad del País Vasco, y director de la Fundación Gaiker.


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How to Cite

Rementeria-Sanz, S. (2020). Power, Memory and Identity. A Postcolonial Reading of Contemporary South African Feminist Art. Boletín De Arte, (41), 209–218. https://doi.org/10.24310/BoLArte.2020.v41i.7508



Research Paper