The Fall of the Titans: Anti-Islamic Propaganda and Mitologic Issues in the Public Festivals at the Portuguese Court




The Fall of the Titans, Ephemeral Art, Islam, Portugal, Public Celebrations


This paper deals with the cultural role that played the fall of the titans’ as a political allegory of the Portuguese monarchy against Islam. The aim of this research is to reconstruct, with a diachronic approach, the iconography of the titans (Adamastor, Atlas), in general, and the titanomachy, in particular, at the Lisbon court, that was applied generally in the ephemeral decorations of the Portuguese regal entries during the Early Modern period (16th - 18th centuries)


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Author Biographies

Borja Franco Llopis, Universidad Nacional de Eduación a Distancia

Investigador Ramón y  Cajal

Departamento de Historia del Arte

Facultad de Geografía e Historia (UNED)

Iván Rega Castro, Universidad de León

Profesor Ayudante Doctor (Assistant Professor)

Departamento de Patrimonio Artístico y Documental


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How to Cite

Franco Llopis, B., & Rega Castro, I. (2020). The Fall of the Titans: Anti-Islamic Propaganda and Mitologic Issues in the Public Festivals at the Portuguese Court. Boletín De Arte, (41), 117–128.



Research Paper