Deliberations on the Human and the Animal within. Ali, der Schimmelhengst, Alfred Kubin’s Equine Self-Portrait
Two of the aspects that particularly characterise German Expressionism are the spiritual in art and the concept of empathy in the artistic practice. These ideas reached further over the years, also applying them to the perception of nature and the perception of the animal kingdom. The Austrian artist Alfred Kubin, one of the founding members of The Blue Rider group, followed in the wake of this artistic association even after its dissolution in 1914. After almost two decades, Kubin revived the expressionist ideology in one of his most peculiar works: Ali, der Schimmelhengst – a short illustrated tale which questions the transcendental, destiny and nature through the eyes of a white horse.
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RAABE, Paul (1977), Alfred Kubin 1877-1977. Spangerberg Verlag, Múnich.
WALLY, Barbara (1993), Emmy Haesele. Galerie Altnöder, Salzburgo.
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