Back to the Source. An Approximation Proposal to the Archive from the Matrix Theory
During the last decades there have been several attempts to question the hegemonic and patriarchal stories from art based on feminist stances. Among these attempts, those made from the curatorial practice, specifically those in which the archive has been used as an exhibition method, are worth highlighting. In this study, we analyze this last practice through the case study Anarchivo Sida, where the archive works as a potential tool that makes it possible to crack those official and unidirectional discourses, while questioning the use or application of the patrilineal theories about the concept of the archive used for it. Thus, we present the importance of the use of adequate theories as a basis for the curatorial projects and their installation, and we propose a new approach to the archive, relevant to the exhibition area, from the Bracha L. Ettinger’s matrix theory that is articulated from the feminine.
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