Processional and Wayside Crosses. Theological and Social Significance of their Iconographic Particularities


  • María Elvira Mocholí Martínez Universitat de València Spain



The kingdom of Valencia, other realms of the Crown of Aragon and the rest of the Iberian peninsula, proved to have a particular propensity for the erection of wayside crosses. The few academic studies that have paid attention to them have only taken into account their stylistic aspect, which has led a good few researchers to compare these works with goldsmiths´ crosses. But beyond the decoration, their subjects differ substantially. The location of the wayside crosses, outside the ecclesiastic area, their medium and especially their utility might have determined the iconographic differences with regard to other crosses and hence the theological implications of the different types of crosses. The processional crosses were part of the liturgical ritual of the Church, whereas the wayside crosses were part of the daily life of the community and they answer, therefore, to popular religiousity rather than to the official religion.


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Author Biography

María Elvira Mocholí Martínez, Universitat de València

Profesora asociada del departamento de Historia del Arte


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How to Cite

Mocholí Martínez, M. E. (2018). Processional and Wayside Crosses. Theological and Social Significance of their Iconographic Particularities. Boletín De Arte, (39), 183–193.



Research Paper